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A Simple Guide to Lose Weight and Live a Healthy Life
By Carolyn Anderson
Maintaining your best weight and losing those extra pounds not only make you look good, but of course, it also reduces your risk of some health problems especially those that concerns the heart. High blood pressure and heart problems are among the common causes of death and disability among many people nowadays, and you can actually help stop them by losing extra weight. Risk of other diseases and injury are also lowered when you do exert effort to maintain your right weight, exercise and eat healthy.
Weight loss is indeed one of the many programs that most people are finding hard to follow by themselves. It is often helpful to have your guide to lose weight and stick to it with discipline if you really want to get your aim.
1. What is your motivation? What is your Goal?
One of the key elements in making your own guide to lose weight is having a clear and attainable goal. Aiming for a supermodel's body when you are obese can lead you to frustration in the middle of your program. Your ideal weight may not always mean having a body of a skinny supermodel.
Set your goals. Check what is your ideal weight for your age and height. Once you have established your main goal, set smaller objectives in a specific timeframe. Make sure it is attainable too. Achieving your ideal weight can take time as well. You gained excessive fat slowly, so expect that it may take time to lose it.
2. Make exercise a habit.
Probably the best way to losing extra weight and sticking to your ideal weight is to stick to your weight loss program like a habit. If you plan to walk three times a week, do a little stretching while seated at your office, take the stairs, do a few crunches every night before going to sleep, and you practice it slowly and slowly until you will get used to the routine, you can turn it into a habit. Indeed, breaking your usual routine and overcoming laziness are probably among the hardest part of any weight loss program but once you get into this practice, you will never worry about maintaining your ideal weight.
3. Eat the right food at the right way.
Bad eating habits contribute largely to being overweight. Most people often find it difficult to start their weight loss program because they cannot resist their fastfood favorite or they cannot get away with over-eating. Of course, changing your diet is not something that you do abruptly, or else you will end up going back to your old favorites in no time.
Substitute your unhealthy calorie-filled foods with the healthier ones - and that is of course, going for more vegetables, fruits and fish. Avoid processed and canned foods. You can also treat yourself to your favorite food occasionally so you will not feel deprived.
Aside from shifting to a healthier, low calorie diet, you can also change the way you eat. Eating slowly and chewing your food properly helps your digestive system to work at its best and helps you avoid eating more than what you actually need.
4. Monitor your progress.
After the timeframe you set for your objectives to be attained, measure your results. If you made an objective of reducing your waistline to a few centimeters in 2 weeks, check if you reached your goals. Keeping a monthly record of how much weight you lost could help you assess your progress as well and help you modify your guide to lose weight.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share some tips in healthy living. To learn more about weight loss tips from a nutritionist, check out Anne Collins Weight Loss Program. Also check out Fat Free Fast, where you find easy and simple step-by-step on what and when to eat to lose fat fast.
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Anne Collins Weight Loss Program
Discover This Simple, Small Secret Behind
9 Of The Most Powerful,
Step-By-Step Weight Loss Systems
Lose Weight or You Will Diet!
Losing weight is not as easy as some people think. There seems to be this big misconception that all you have to do is go on the "Atkins Diet" and you will lose all you want in a matter of no time. The good news is, you do lose weight and it happens really fast. The bad part is the food selection stinks. It is a really hard diet but with the right mental attitude, weight loss is achievable with this diet. But there are more dieting choices that you can choose from.
There are other diets that let you eat food that has taste and does not have you counting every time you take a drink. Let's face it, counting carbohydrates is not fun. When you have 10 carbs that you can consume in one day, it kind of narrows down what you can eat. 3 pieces of cheese, 10 individual grapes, and 1 fried hamburger patty. And be sure to have no steak sauce with that hamburger, only mustard. This diet is just too strict!!! But, if you want to lose weight fast, then this is the diet you want to look in to.
Another program is the Ann Collins Weight Loss Program. This is a pretty cool program because Ann exposes some of the secrets behind 9 of the most popular diet plans. She tells you the ends and out of each and the helps you choose which plan works best for you and you situation. Even if you are a diabetic and need to watch you eat, she addresses the diabetic diet. She addresses the low glycemic diet, Vegetarian diet, and a cholesterol lowering diet. You can jump from diet to diet to determine which one is best for you.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots is my favorite one because I am an idiot. I don't have a lot of time the day before and plan what I can eat, how much of it and when to eat it. This diet will do that for you. A week in advance even! It takes such simple rules that are practically full proof. You get to choose the foods from a huge list and then eat. There really no thought to this program. It takes the choices that you make from the food selections and combines them into planed meals that you eat. There is no more guessing what you should eat with what here. Just pick your foods and eat. It does not get any simpler than that.
How about a diet for the girls that are getting married? Believe it or not, the really is a wedding diet. This diet is geared for the women wanting to slim down to the wedding dress It is a step by step process with a day to day action plan than will exploit every weight loss trick in the book. Using the proven science of nutrient cycling losing shaping the body for your size 6 or even 5 wedding gown is not impossible.
Now if you are into the type of diet that takes you into the military, well then the Turbulence Diet is for you. But I must warn you; this is not for the weak hearted people. This diet is about eating right and intense workouts. Even though it is short workout's a week, they are intense and will cause some pain, and as the old adage says, "No pain, No gain".
In closing, let me state this and if you take nothing from here at all, take this; seek the advice of your doctor before trying any diet or starting a new exercise program. As we get older, I have found and I am beginning to understand, we can't do the same things we used too. But, we need to start doing something. Obesity and heart decease in America are out of control. Think of your kids, your grand children, your wives, your husbands. Most of all think of you. You will look better, feel better and you will live better. But most of all, you life depends on it!
Anne Collins Weight Loss Program
Discover This Simple, Small Secret Behind
9 Of The Most Powerful,
Step-By-Step Weight Loss Systems
Glycemic Impact Diet - Nutrisystem
By TK Healey
Have you been hearing a lot about a glycemic diet? What kind of a diet is this and what does it mean? It is a diet with foods low in glycemic index value. Foods are ranked 1 - 100 based on the effects they have on blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic value will slowly release sugar into the blood. This provides you with a steady supply of energy and a satisfied feeling so that you are not hungry. Thus you should snack less often.
Naturally food with a high glycemic impact value will do the opposite of a low value. The rapid rise in blood sugar can make you feel fatigued and hungry within a short period. Thus eating foods high in GI value can cause you to over eat causing weight gain.
Diets based on the GI value will encourage you to eat foods low in GI and to stay away from foods high in GI value. Most of these GI diets like many other diets will discourage the intake of fatty foods, especially saturated fats. So even if you have a food that is low in GI value but high in fat it should be limited in consumption.
Foods ranked from 0 to 55 on the glycemic index are considered to have a low GI. Some foods that have this rank are broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, mushrooms, onions and red peppers. These vegetables all have a rank around 10. Cherries and grapefruits run in the 20's. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, lean meat, fish and low fat dairy are basically low in GI value. Any foods that rank over 70 are considered to have a high GI rank. Some of these foods you would want to stay away from are red skinned boiled potatoes, corn flakes, dates, bread stuffing, rice cakes and rice crackers. Foods made from white flour are heavily processed and are usually high GI foods. This is only a small sampling of foods that are low and high in GI value.
What are some popular diets that encourage the low GI values? Ann Collins, Nutrisystem and Ediets all have diet plans that are based on the Glycemic Index. There are many books to help guide you on a low glycemic index diet. The GI diet is claiming to be a simple, healthy way for permanent weight loss without going hungry. There is a saying regarding this diet. If you can follow a traffic light you can follow this diet. Categorizing foods as green, yellow and red.
This GI Diet can actually reduce your risk from heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other high risk diseases. If you are concerned about your weight and health you owe it to yourself to invest the time and to look into this diet and discuss it with your doctor.
TK Healey chief editor for® a consumer based website focusing on As Seen On TV products. Check out the Nutrisystem GI Diet which foods are low Glycemic Index carbohydrates and the right amounts of protein and fiber, and low in fat.;
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